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  In This Issue
This is a link to a website presenting construction photos of the Interstate 91 Brattleboro Bridge. This bridge is the subject of a Project article on page 22.
This is a link to the Florida Department of Transportation website that has information on the J. Turner Butler Boulevard (Interstate 95/State Road 202) interchange. Structures of this interchange are featured in articles on page 26 and page 34.
This is a link to a contractor’s website that shows an aerial view of the J. Turner Butler Boulevard project. The Interstate 95/State Road 202 structure is the subject of a Project article on page 26 and a Concrete Bridge Technology article on page 34.
This is a link to a photo gallery of the recent western expansion of Union Station Kansas City. A part of the expansion project is a pedestrian and vehicle bridge that is featured in a Project article on page 30.
This is a link to an Oregon Department of Transportation website that has photos, videos, maps, and a detailed project history of the Newberg Dundee Bypass. Bridges on the bypass are the subjects of two articles—a Project article on the Wynooski Road Bridge on page 14 and a Creative Concrete Construction feature on page 50.
This is a link to a time-lapse video created from Mississippi Department of Transportation photos of the construction of the Biloxi Bay Bridge. Mississippi is the featured state in the article on page 52.
This is a link to the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual, which was listed as a reference in the Perspective article on page 10. See section 5.6.3 of the manual for information on lateral stability.
This is a link to the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, which was listed as a reference in the Perspective article on page 10. See Section 6-02.3(25) of the specifications for requirements related to lateral stability.
Four comprehensive strut-and-tie modeling design examples are available on this link to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) website, as stated in the FHWA article on page 46.
This is a link to ACI’s Concrete Terminology (CT-16) document which was used for the Creative Concrete Construction article on page 48.
This is a link to an archived webinar and PDF presentation, “ABC Rehabilitation of Historic Franklin Avenue Bridge,” conducted by Accelerated Bridge Construction Center at Florida International University. This bridge is discussed in an article on page 38.
This is a link to “Franklin Avenue Bridge,” an article that appeared in the Summer 2017 issue of ASPIRE® on the accelerated bridge construction methods for the restoration of the Franklin Avenue Bridge, which is also the subject of an article on page 38 of this issue.
  Other Information This is a link to purchase the recently published AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th edition. This is a link to the website for the Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center at Florida International University. Through this website, the user can register for monthly webinars on topics of accelerated bridge construction and access archived webinars. This is a link to BridgeLink™, the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT’s) software for prestressed concrete girder design that was mentioned in the Perspective article on page 10. It includes PGSuper, PGSplice, and PGStable software tools.