In This Issue
This is a link to download a PDF of Control of Concrete Cracking in Bridges,
a synthesis report recently published by the National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP), and referenced in the Safety and Serviceability article on best
practices to reduce cracking in bridge decks.
This is a link to a panoramic view of the Bayonne Bridge project that shows the difference in
elevations of the old and new approaches. The Bayonne Bridge is featured in both a Project article
on page 20 and a Concrete Bridge Technology article on page 28.
This is a link to the website of the Precast Concrete Economical Fabrication (PCEF) Committee that has information on materials,
cross sections, and projects using PCEF bridge elements. PCEF elements are mentioned in the article on page 6 featuring STV.
This is a direct link a pdf of the Washington DOT Bridge Design Manual (LRFD) which contains a chapter solely dedicated to
accelerated bridge construction methods, techniques, and design details.
This document is featured in a Construction Bridge Technology article on page 32.
Other Information
This is a link to the recently published NCHRP Research Report 848: Inspection Guidelines for Bridge Post-Tensioning and Stay Cable
Systems Using NDE Methods. The report describes nondestructive evaluation methods for assessing the condition, including
corrosion, section loss, breakage, grout conditions, voids, and water infiltration, of in-service post-tensioning and stay cable systems.
This is a link to the table of contents and information on ordering and updates for the publication Standard
Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, and AASHTO Provisional Standards.
This is now a web-based publication and no longer available as a printed book.
This is a link to the final report for NCHRP Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) Project 174, Enhanced
Performance Zinc Coating for Steel in Concrete. A reinforcing bar with a thermal zinc-diffusion coating was evaluated for corrosion protection.
This is a link to a technical summary released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation on a system that
analyzes accelerometer data from sensors on the I-35W St Anthony Falls Bridge. The data shows how the concrete
structure bends and deforms in response to traffic loads, wind, and temperature changes.