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  In This Issue
This is a link to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport website for the PHX Sky Train Stage 2 project, which is the subject of Project and Concrete Bridge Technology articles on pages xx and 34.
This is a link to purchase Construction and Field Evaluation of Electrically Isolated Tendons in a Prestressed Concrete Spliced Girder Bridge. The system was installed in the Coplay- Northampton Bridge, featured in a Project article on page 20.
This is a link to a presentation on the rehabilitation of the Dry Canyon Bridge, which is featured in a Concrete Bridge Preservation article on page 38.
The Concrete Preservation Alliance website provides information on realkalization, which is discussed in the Concrete Bridge Preservation article on page 38.
This is a link to Utah Demonstration Project: Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System on I-84 near Salt Lake City—Draft Report. The project was the first use of a geosynthetic reinforced soil-integrated bridge system (GRS-IBS) on a U.S. interstate. See the State article on page 42.
This is a link to the FHWA report HRT-17-080 Design and Construction Guidelines for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments and Integrated Bridge Systems. GRS-IBS is discussed in the State article on page 42.
This is a link to Replaceable Grouted External Post-Tensioned Tendons, a video by the Federal Highway Administration. The topic is the subject of the FHWA article on page 46.
This is a link to information on the new 9th edition AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The revised column tie spacing requirement is discussed in the LRFD article on page 53.
  Other Information