In This Issue
This is a link to the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) website with self-paced, informational or continuing
education courses on various aspects of steel reinforced concrete. CRSI is featured in the Focus article on page 6.
This is a link to the website for Considerate Contractors Scheme, a nonprofit organization in the United Kingdom
that strives to improve the image of the construction industry by having companies practice good-neighbor policies. Good
relationships between companies and communities are emphasized in the Perspective article on page 10.
This is a link to a time-lapse video of the replacement of one of the bridges that was part of the Interstate 78
Underclearance project, which is featured in a Project article on page 12.
This is a link to a video of construction activities or the Stone Arch Bridge over Stony Brook in Princeton, N.J. The
rehabilitation of the historic bridge and construction of a new bridge over an adjacent flood channel are featured in a
Project article on page 16.
This is a link to the PCI eLearning website, which contains continuing education courses on various precast/prestressed
concrete topics, including Course T220: Production and Construction Details of Full-Depth Precast Concrete Deck
Panels. The handling and transportation of precast concrete deck panels is the subject of a Concrete Bridge Technology
article on page 24.
This is a link to a website that has instructions on how to build a Da Vinci bridge using pencils and rubber bands, a
good activity for children. Providing educational activities to children in the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art/
architecture, and mathematics) areas is mentioned in the Professor’s Perspective article on page 28.
This is a direct link to the website containing rules of the 2019 PCI Engineering Student Design (Big Beam)
Competition. Also on the website are the winning videos and reports from previous competitions. The competition is
mentioned in the Professor’s Perspective article on page 28.
Other Information
This is a link to a website where the recently published American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials’ (AASHTO’s) LRFD Guide Specifications for Accelerated Bridge Construction, 1st edition, can be
purchased. These specifications cover both design and construction and address items not covered in the
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
This is link to download End-Region Behavior and Shear Strength of Pretensioned Concrete Girders Employing 0.7-in.
Diameter Strands by the Center for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin. This recent report
documents a research project on end-region serviceability and shear strength of Texas pretensioned concrete bulb-tee
girders with 0.7-in.-diameter strands..
This is a link to the website for the Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center at Florida
International University. The website has webinars such as
ABC Methods for Delaware’s All-Precast Bridge 1-438. The
bridge was constructed with just a 31-day closure.