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  In This Issue
This is a link to a webinar presenting an overview of research conducted by the Concrete Sustainability Hub at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Resiliency and sustainability are topics of the Perspective article on page 10.
This is a link to a video by the City of Takoma Park, Md., showing the condition of the Carroll Avenue Bridge prior to rehabilitation as well as the temporary pedestrian bridge used during construction. The rehabilitation of the historic bridge over Sligo Creek is featured in a Project article on page 12.
This is a link to the Georgia Department of Transportation website with information about the Northwest Corridor Express Lanes project and its dynamic toll system. The express lane project outside of Atlanta, Ga., is featured in a Project article on page 16.
This is a link to an Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Southcoast Region web page that has a timeline and slideshow of the construction activities for the new Brotherhood Bridge. The bridge is featured in a Project article on page 20.
This is a link to a three-dimensional, animated video created by Cianbro showing the construction of the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge. The bridge is featured in a Project article on page 24, and the design and construction of the tower foundation is discussed in a Concrete Bridge Technology article on page 34.
This is a link to a workshop presentation on electrically isolated tendons. This technology used to monitor the integrity of post-tensioning tendons is highlighted in a Concrete Bridge Technology article on page 36 and is mentioned in a Focus article featuring DYWIDAG-Systems International on page 6.
This is a link to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publication Design and Construction of Field-Cast UHPC Connections. Ultra-high-performance concrete is the topic of an article on page 45.
This is a link to the FHWA publication Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays. Ultra-highperformance concrete is the topic of an article on page 45.
This is a link to an archived webinar from the Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center at Florida International University. The presenter is on staff at the Alabama Department of Transportation, and the webinar includes the contractor’s video of the slide-in process for the Ross Clark Circle over an existing culvert. Alabama is the featured state in an article on page 47.
  Other Information
This is a link to “Northridge—25 Years Later: Caltrans Highway Structures,” an article in the January 2019 issue of Structure® magazine that outlines the lessons learned and measures taken after bridges were damaged in the 1994 Northridge earthquake and in previous California earthquakes.
This is a link to a page on the Post-Tensioning Institute website with information about its recently updated publication Recommendations for Stay Cable Design, Testing, and Installation.
This is a link to the page in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ online store that provides details and purchasing information for the recently published second edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Guide Specifications for GFRP-Reinforced Concrete.