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  In This Issue
This is a link to the website of Armeni Consulting Services. The firm specializes in pre- and postconstruction services and is the featured company in the Focus article on page 6.
This is a link to the American Segmental Bridge Institute’s web page with photos and information on the recently completed “Missing Link” section of the Foothills Parkway in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The nine Missing Link bridges are featured in a Project article on page 10.
This is a link to the Marc Basnight Bridge designer’s portfolio page for the project; the web page includes design and construction information, videos, and additional links. The bridge is featured in a Project article on page 18.
This is a link to the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s website on the Marc Basnight Bridge, which features project history and other information. The bridge is featured in a Project article on page 18.
This is a link to the Georgia Department of Transportation’s web page with information and time-lapse video of the construction of the Courtland Street bridge in Atlanta, Ga. The bridge is featured in a Project article on page 24.
This is a link to a website with information on the lightweight concrete used in the Shasta Viaduct Arch Bridge. The bridge is the subject of a Construction Bridge Technology article on page 32.
This is a link to a page on the website of Golden State Bridge, the contractor of the Shasta Viaduct Arch Bridge. The web page has construction photos of the arches. The bridge is featured in a Construction Bridge Technology article on page 32.
This is a link to the PCI Foundation’s webpage providing information on architectural and engineering design studios at several universities. The program at California State University, Sacramento, is featured in a Perspective article on page 46.
This is a direct link to a downloadable version of Concrete Bridge Shear Load Rating Synthesis Report (publication FHWA-HIF-18-061). The report is the focus of the Federal Highway Administration article on page 48.
Clicking this link downloads the table of contents for the third edition of the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials’ Manual for Bridge Evaluation. The manual’s shear load rating provisions are discussed in the Federal Highway Administration article on page 48.
This is a link to the website for the Bridging Kentucky program, a six-year, $700 million program to restore approximately 1000 state and locally owned bridges. Kentucky is the featured state in an article on page 50.
  Other Information
This is a link to a downloadable version of Concrete Beams Prestressed Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (Final Report VTRC 19-R29). The Virginia Transportation Research Council report is the result of a study of an in-service bridge that was constructed using prestressed concrete bulb tees with carbon-fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement.
This is a link to a downloadable version of Best Practices for Estimating Camber of Bulb T and Florida Girders, a study sponsored by Mississippi Department of Transportation. The study’s investigators conducted a literature search for estimating beam camber, surveyed other state departments of transportation regarding current practices, and analyzed beam camber data to gain a better understanding of factors that influence beam camber.
This is a link to a downloadable version of Design and Construction of Field-Cast UHPC Connections, published by the Federal Highway Administration. This publication updates an earlier document and provides guidance on the design and deployment of field-cast ultra-high-performance concrete connections.
This is a link to the website of the Accelerated Bridge Construction Center at Florida International University. The site offers access to current and archived webinars on case studies of accelerated bridge construction techniques.
This is a link to the PCI eLearning Center website, with contains online courses on precast, prestressed concrete elements and materials for the transportation and building industries. These courses are free and satisfy continuing education requirements of engineers in all 50 states.